Why You Can't Get All the Nutrients You Need from the Food You Eat

Why You Can't Get All the Nutrients You Need from the Food You Eat

Ever wondered why your grandparents never seemed to need supplements and still lived long, healthy lives?


There's a reason... As you stroll through the supermarket's vibrant produce section, it might surprise you to learn that the nutritional content of the fruits and vegetables you see has been on the decline for the past five decades. 

Over the past half-century, numerous scientific studies have exposed a concerning trend. Many of today's fruits, vegetables, and grains lack vital nutrients like protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin, and vitamin C compared to previous generations.


Why Are Nutrients Disappearing?

  1. Profit-Driven Agriculture: Farmers are often rewarded based on crop weight, creating an incentive to prioritise quantity over the nutrient quality of produce.
  2. Rising CO2 Levels: Increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are also playing a role in diminishing nutrient levels in our fruits and vegetables.
  3. Population Explosion: Since the 1970s, the global population has surged by 5.4 billion people, an astounding 60% increase. This puts immense pressure on our food systems to meet the needs of a growing world.
  4. Soil Depletion: Modern farming practices have contributed to the depletion of essential nutrients in the soil, which are crucial for cultivating nourishing crops.

How To Get The Nutrients You Need…

With food losing its nutritional value, we must take action to ensure our bodies receive the vital nutrients they need…

  1.   Vitamins come to the rescue by bridging the gap left by nutrient-depleted foods. These essential nutrients are often lacking in modern produce. Consider incorporating convenient and effective products like Multivitamin Gummies into your daily routine to supplement your diet with these crucial vitamins and minerals.
  2. Balance, whilst vitamins provide valuable support, they should never replace a well-balanced diet. Maintaining a diverse and colourful range of foods remains essential for overall health. Think of vitamins as your nutritional insurance policy, helping to compensate for the nutrient loss in our food supply and fortifying your body against chronic diseases.
  3. The Grow-Your-Own Solution: Homegrown fruits and vegetables offer a direct source of fresh, nutrient-rich food, ensuring that you have greater control over the quality of the food you consume. This not only enhances your nutrient intake but also connects you to the process of nurturing your own health.


Your Nutrient-Rich Toolkit:

Here are two supplement recommendations to help  you get all the nutrients you need:

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